2021 Rathdrum Chamber Community Business Fair
2021 Rathdrum Chamber Community Business Fair
August 14, 2021
12:00 PM - 6:00 PM PDT
Sorry, public registration for this event has been closed.
Event Description:
2021 Rathdrum Chamber Community Business Fair
Registration for the
Rathdrum Area Chamber of Commerce 2021 Community Business Fair is now open!
Contact the Rathdrum Chamber for more information (208) 687-2866
Registration for the
Rathdrum Area Chamber of Commerce 2021 Community Business Fair is now open!
Contact the Rathdrum Chamber for more information (208) 687-2866
Idaho is one of the fasting growing states in the nation (Nation's Fastest Growing State) and it's no secret that North Idaho and Rathdrum in particular is driving some of these statistics because it is such a great place to live, work and play!
Join us to market your business and or company with and event that brings thousands of people to our community.
If you LIVE in Rathdrum, do business in Rathdrum (WORK) or simply just enjoy Rathdrum (PLAY) you'll not want to miss this event!
Registration is free for Rathdrum Chamber Members! This is an exclusive event for our Chamber Members!