Chamber Monthly Networking Luncheon (January 2020)
Each month the Rathdrum Area Chamber of Commerce and our members get together for a monthly networking luncheon. The Chamber's Monthly Luncheons are a great opportunity to make business connections with other business leaders in the area. Each month is educational and completely different, so you'll want to mark your calendars for the third Thursday of the month and plan to attend each month. Please join us this month on Thursday, January 16, 2020 from 11:45 AM to 1:00 PM at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in Rathdrum.
We are excited to bring in Carrie Maldonado with Today's Leadership Solutions who will be presenting a very informative educational topic of "How to Hold Meetings That People Actually Want to Attend?".
"Ask most people, and they'd rather attend a dental appointment than another company meeting. If nothing is any different after your meeting than it was prior, then unfortunately the thousands, or tens of thousands, of dollars most companies invest in labor hours alone for corporate meetings are just wasted. But no more! Learn why most meetings aren't worth it, and how to make the ones you do have the most value-packed part of your week. Be prepared to look at meetings in a whole new way!"
For Rathdrum Chamber members: if register online, in advance, price is $15 (includes lunch!), tickets at the door are $20. Non-Member Ticket prices are $20.
Westwood Brewing Co will cater the lunch.
Today's program is sponsored by Featured Business: